
Gwenael Pluchon

Freelance Full-stack developer

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Vue.js Nuxt Instagram API Node Netlify FaaS MongoDB Atlas

Social-Gallery makes it a breeze to integrate image galleries into your website.


This website is a prototype of a scalable application. I used a small Node endpoint to manage widgets creation, and Netlify functions because I had to run an algorithm to scan the users profiles on a daily basis to import their IG feeds into a database.

vue-diagrams - Vue meets diagrams !

Vue.js library ES6 svg open source

An open-source diagramming library built on top of Vue.js. It allows you to create diagram elements, bind them with links, and reorganize everything on the diagram.

Simple web FTP

Vue.js ES6 FTP webapp websocket (socket.io)

A simple FTP client webapp, built using socket.io.

Dashy 2 - Dashboard creation webapp

Vue.js ES6 Large-scale project Monitoring

A webapp to build interactive dashboards from the ground up, fetch data from distant APIs and explore datasets.

Everything from layout to data interaction can be done without any line of code, from layout to data fetching and user interaction through buttons and forms.

Vue-git-cms - A static CMS using Github to store files

Webapp Github API Vue.js Webpack

This project is a web admin served statically, that allows to edit Github repositories containing web pages served on Github Pages.

Everything is statically served (the admin webapp as well).

Vue-plugins - A plugin index for Vue.js

Webapp Vue.js Webpack

This project list vue.js repositories and present them in a searchable, human-readable list.

Verbs conjugator ES - Mobile app

Hybrid webapp React Cordova Webpack

A small hybrid webapp available online, and bundled as an offline android app.

This project was done to try React performance with huge sets of data displayed, and to develop my presence on the Google Play Store.

uComments - Comment system for static websites

Webapp Firebase React Vue.js Webpack

A short project, (5 days of development) aiming to establish an alternative to disqus, using realtime technologies.

Everything was developped with only Firebase as backend. The application is served with a static file server and every data is send through websockets, allowing instant refresh (in the admin and in the comment module) when a comment is posted or modified.

Readme offline

Hybrid webapp Dashy Ember.js Cordova

A small hybrid webapp made with the Dashy framework (see related project) that serves as a proof of concept.

This mobile application allows to download a light version of webpages directly in your browser and to view them once you are offline. It is also possible to download pages linked in a RSS feed, thus downloading a complete feed and its article in one time.

Dashy - Webapp Framework

Software Architecture Ember.js Broccoli REST Firebase

A framework built on top of Ember.js allowing to create applications with JSON or a visual editor.

It put the focus on code reuse, components and mixins. Data descriptors, data bindings, and views are written in JSON.

Canopsis frontend

Software Architecture Ember.js REST

An editable dashboarding system, modular and open source.